Four shareholders founded cyclos GmbH in Osnabrück. Agnes Bünemann and Gunda Rachut, as the main shareholders, who also became the managing directors of cyclos GmbH.

About Us
Company foundation
First business unit: Mass flow verifications
For the first time, cyclos audited mass flow verifications of the Grüner Punkt - Duales System Deutschland for packaging in various federal states and carried out the first sorting analyses in the field of packaging disposal.
Germany-wide monitoring of packaging disposal
Between 1996 and 1999, cyclos examined the state of the disposal items from the “yellow bags” and the “yellow bins” for all 16 federal states throughout Germany.
The First appointment in the field of packaging disposal
The first employees were sworn in as publicly appointed and sworn experts for packaging disposal by the responsible Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Certification body for the German deposit system
cyclos played a major role in developing strategies for the establishment and implementation of the mandatory deposit for disposable beverage packaging and, as an expert office, became a certification body for the Deutsche Pfandsystem GmbH.

10 years of cyclos
By 2003 cyclos already had 14 employees.
Certification as a new business unit
Since 2004, cyclos experts have been certifying plastics recycling plants in Germany per the requirements of the former Packaging Regulation and the current German Packaging Act.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) disposal as an additional appointment area, to packaging disposal
WWhen the ElektroG came into force, the first employees were sworn in as the first experts for this area of appointment in Germany.
New business unit due to the establishment of the weighing laboratory
With the introduction of the statutory obligation for manufacturers to submit an annual letter of representation, the business area "Classification and Weighing of Packaging" was established..
New business unit: Audit of manufacturers' declaration of completeness
In 2008, cyclos was one of the first companies to offer mandatory verification of the declaration of completeness of packaging for manufacturers. In 2018, it played a key role in the quality assurance of the test guidelines for declaration of completeness of the Central Packaging Register.

15 years of cyclos
By its 15th anniversary, cyclos already has 23 employees.
New certifications
The certification business unit is expanded to include the certification of plastic products made from recyclates under the requirements of the German Blue Angel.
Newly appointed shareholders and managing directors
In addition to Agnes Bünemann, Sabine Bartnik and Ernst Schwanhold became managing partners of cyclos GmbH from mid-2012.

Development and implementation of a Europe-wide certification scheme
Since 2012, cyclos GmbH experts have also been certifying plastics recycling plants in accordance with the EuCertPlast certification scheme. Cyclos played a major role in developing this EuCertPlast certification scheme.

Extension of the appointment mandate to include battery disposal
The cyclos experts are authorised by the responsible appointed body to carry out audits and certifications in the field of battery disposal at companies.
Institute cyclos-HTP GmbH
The shareholders of cyclos GmbH, and HTP GmbH, found the Institute cyclos-HTP GmbH as a company for the classification, assessment and testing of the recyclability of packaging and goods as well as research and development in this field.

New business unit: International EPR and packaging disposal
Our many years of experience in packaging disposal and producer responsibility is applied to issues in various non-European countries and support the development of strategies and concepts for manging packaging waste.
New Business Unit: Packaging Disposal Netherlands
First studies and projects for the Dutch packaging disposal system. In addition to sorting and quality analyses, the new tasks also include audits and the development of concepts.
New business unit: Used textiles
cyclos takes over the organisational and technical direction for the Gemeinschaft für textile Zukunft (Community for the Future of Textiles). The main topics are the high-quality collection, recycling, financing and future organisation of used textiles.
Expansion of the appointment mandate to include commercial waste disposal
The responsible appointed body legitimises the cyclos experts to audit and certificate services such as the separate collection of commercial waste at companies.
Newly appointed shareholders and managing directors
Silvia Tholen and Dr.-Ing. Stephan Löhle, who worked for the company for many years, became managing partners alongside Sabine Bartnik and Agnes Bünemann.

25 years of cyclos
By its 25th anniversary, cyclos had 55 permanent employees and additional support staff in various business units.

Introduction of the cyclos recyclate label
To promote the use of recyclates in packaging, we have launched our label demonstrating the ratio of recyclates from the post-consumer sector for packaging.

Our goal is to open up new areas and fields of business and to continuously develop ourselves through trusting partnerships and cooperation as well as challenging tasks.
Join us on our journey!