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Confidentiality matters to us.

Our services are transparent and comprehensible.

We create a high degree of legal certainty.

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cyclos works with clients from all over the world

EWKFondsG - Verification of the Notification of Single-Use Plastic Products

Wussten Sie schon? Ihre Meldung nach dem Einwegkunststofffondsgesetz bedarf der Prüfung und elektronischen Signatur. Vergessen Sie nicht, vorab ist eine Analyse Ihrer Produktpalette und die Identifizierung betroffener Produkte und Verpackungen erforderlich.

Consultancy on Extended Producer Responsibility

We have knowledge of packaging recycling and product responsibility systems in various countries, along with extensive experience in introducing and supporting projects in the field of EPR. This includes implementation as well as strategic and scientific support with a nationwide focus.

Consultancy on the German Packaging Act

Since the new Packaging Act (VerpackG), there have been important innovations and changes for manufacturers and distributors who place packaging in the German market for the first time commercially or import it to Germany. We will be happy to advise you individually on your questions and company-related case constellations in the context of the Packaging Law.

Packaging Classifications & Weighing

We determine the necessary packaging master data for your reporting to the systems. This is done under identical, binding and reproducible framework conditions. The classification and weight determination of your packaging are carried out by our publicly appointed and sworn experts under standardised conditions.

Packaging Optimisation

We provide consultations by considering the behaviour of your products in the disposal processes as early from the product design stage and designing them in a way that generates greatest possible added value. This way, the indication of their recyclability becomes an integral part of product responsibility in practice.

Declaration of Completeness

As registered experts under § 3 Para. 15 VerpackG (German Packaging Act), we are authorised to carry out the VE inspection and file it. Our audit covers the commercial packaging sold in the Federal Republic of Germany for the respective audit period, which has accrued to private and commercial end consumers. The inspection is carried out based on the inspection guidelines for declarations of completeness of the Central Packaging Register.

Mass Flow Verifications

According to § 17 VerpackG, the systems must provide yearly mass flow verification. The mass flow verification can be carried out by all experts for packaging disposal at cyclos GmbH. We also prepare a detailed audit report in addition to the expert attestation.


As a German auditing institution for dual systems, we helped design the auditing standard for plastic packaging recycling facilities, developed the requirement and evaluation catalogues for the certification of plastic recycling facilities for the bvse and for PETCYCLE. We were also involved in developing and introducing an auditing standard for the implementation of the European Standard EN 15343.

Sorting Analyses

The composition of waste streams is crucial basic information in planning future waste management measures or checking the success of implemented measures. Sorting analyses determines the proportion of packaging in PPK and LVP or the collection mix of the recycling bin, which is particularly important as a basis for payment and remuneration agreements between municipal and private companies.

Used Textiles

cyclos GmbH provides technical and strategic consultancy in the field of used textiles for the Gemeinschaft für textile Zukunft (GftZ), whose goal is to achieve the greatest possible added value from this waste flow. Developing and implementing uniform guidelines for sustainable and high-quality use of used textiles is a key element.

Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) / Used Batteries

The implementation of the ElektroG and BattG is subject to continuous changes. In this context, cyclos is involved in various research projects. cyclos has three publicly appointed and sworn experts for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) disposal. They deal with implementation of the ElektroG and BattG, development at the European level, all while providing expert services in this area.


We have been approved as a certification body by the DPG since its inception and have experience in commissioning over 40 counting centres and the annual re-certification of over 30 counting centres. For manufacturers of reverse vending machines, we check the requirements for market entry and, in the case of POS-reverse vending machines, compliance with the DPG specifications.

Commercial Waste

According to § 4 para. 1 of the Commercial Waste Regulation, waste producers must immediately send non-separated waste (mixed municipal waste) to a pre-treatment facility. According to § 4 para. 3, this obligation does not apply if the separation rate of the waste is at least 90 %, meaning that at least 90 % of the total waste produced by a producer must be collected separately. Additionally, according to § 4 (5), the producer must provide proof of this, which an authorised expert must verify.


Please contact us for conceptual work in the waste and environmental management fields and the preparation of waste management and treatment concepts.

We provide waste management studies, economic and ecological balances of disposal concepts and processes and evaluations of waste management measures concerning the quality and composition of waste streams (e.g. calorific value), marketing opportunities, recycling routes and plant utilisation.